Ballots for the Aug. 4 primary election are out, and with the launch of the 2015 primary election Video Voters’ Guide voters can hear directly from the candidates seeking to represent them.
The Seattle City Council’s move to voting by geographic district – a result of a measure Seattle voters passed in 2013 – has resulted in a large, diverse field of candidates. Forty-seven candidates are running for nine Council seats in the primary election.
The non-partisan video guide offers candidates on the primary ballot up to two minutes to issue a prepared statement that outlines the key planks of their platform. The segments are unedited and published online and broadcast on local television. In all, the guide features video statements from 62 candidates for Seattle and King County elected offices. Only positions where three or more candidates filed will appear on the primary ballot. For easy reference, the candidate statements are organized by race.
“The Video Voters’ Guide is a unique and valuable public resource. It allows voters to hear directly from the candidates in a noncommercial, unmoderated and unedited environment,” said John Giamberso, Seattle Channel’s general manager. “Working with our partners, we’re pleased to provide this comprehensive set of candidate statements which offers another vantage point for voters. The guide brings to life the candidates and the issues in a convenient format.”
The Video Voters’ Guide features candidates who will appear on the primary ballot for Seattle City Council and Seattle School Board. Seven City Council members will be elected by district, with two others elected citywide. That means city voters will vote for three City Council members: one to represent the district they live in and two to represent the city at large.
The guide also features candidates who will appear on the primary ballot for seats on the Port of Seattle Commission and director of the King County Department of Elections.
The Video Voters’ Guide is also airing on Seattle Channel cable channel 21 and King County TV cable channel 22.