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Out on the One Night Count

I just went through something everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime: the One Night Count of the homeless in Seattle and King County. You may have heard the news already that in the wee hours of Friday, Jan. 23, volunteers found 3,772 men, women and children who had no… [ Keep reading ]

Higher ed., Bertha and budget at Civic Cocktail, Feb. 4

Update (11:45 a.m., Feb. 4): Washington State University President Elson Floyd is unable to attend Civic Cocktail due to an emergency. John Gardner, CEO of Washington State University Foundation, will join the one-on-one conversation. A contentious state legislative session and a conversation about higher education with Washington State University President Elson Floyd  Foundation… [ Keep reading ]

Got a question for your City Council?

Revisiting police privacy laws. Launching Seattle’s pilot preschool program. Regulating medical marijuana. Seattle City Councilmembers Tim Burgess, Sally Bagshaw and Mike O’Brien join host Brian Callanan to discuss these issues and more as well as answer your questions on the January episode of City Inside/Out: Council Edition. Submit your questions… [ Keep reading ]

Bruce Lee’s Seattle days subject of most-watched video in 2014

A story about a martial-arts hero with Seattle roots was Seattle Channel’s most-watched video online in 2014. The CityStream episode with the segment “Do You Know Bruce?” about the Bruce Lee exhibit at Seattle’s Wing Luke Museum, received more than 17,000 plays. Here it is, if you haven’t seen it…. [ Keep reading ]

Beehives, bright lights and ballerinas. It’s Christmas in Seattle!

Seattle offers a host of holiday happenings and winter cheer. Come along as CityStream’s annual holiday special features favorite holiday traditions from the past (Black Nativity); a behind-the-scenes look at Pacific Northwest Ballet’s beloved Stowell and Sendak Nutcracker (celebrating its farewell season this year); festive lights hung on houses; sparkling… [ Keep reading ]

Wage theft in Seattle

One of my favorite movies of all time is “Raising Arizona,” a Coen brothers classic. There’s a scene a few minutes in where Nicolas Cage’s character picks up his check at the payment window and then looks at the clerk, a large lady with a cigarette and an intense Southern… [ Keep reading ]

Nancy Guppy spouts off on creating new work

I see a lot of art – film, dance, theater, music – and, although I’m certainly not an expert, I am a seasoned audience member. So, with that in mind, here are a few totally subjective thoughts for artists to consider as they create new work. 1) DON’T BE BORING…. [ Keep reading ]

Seeking a communications intern

We’re seeking a communications intern to help us raise awareness of Seattle Channel and its award-winning content. As a municipal TV station, we present a range of programs on cable channel 21 and online to help residents connect with their city. We’re looking for a college intern to write and… [ Keep reading ]

Our website has a new look

You may have noticed our website has a fresh new look. At Seattle Channel we’re committed to producing compelling, high-quality content that spans Seattle civics, community and culture. We also provide government transparency and accountability with live broadcasts of City Council meetings and mayoral press conferences. Our goal for the… [ Keep reading ]

Homeless in Seattle

From my vantage point in the Seattle Channel’s basement studio at City Hall, the holidays always seem to come early. The City Council has wrestled over the budget and voted to approve it, and the mayor has signed it. So what’s really left to do before the start of the… [ Keep reading ]